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Machine Learning

  1. Supervised
  2. Active
  3. UnSupervised

Digital Barrels: The Rise Of Machine Learning In Oil And Gas

Super User Apr 24, 2018 ML Supervised

How automisation, machine learning and artificial intelligence could save the oil industry from itself

Active Learning with Statistical Models

Super User May 08, 2018 ML Active

The goal of machine learning is to create systems that can improve their performance at some task as they acquire experience or data 

Supervised vs. Unsupervised Machine Learning

Super User Apr 24, 2018 ML Unsupervised

Data scientists use many different kinds of machine learning algorithms to discover patterns in big data that lead to actionable insights

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Big Data


Introduction to Big Data Analytics Big data analytics is …

Efficient Big Data Processing in Hadoop MapReduce
Big Data

Efficient Big Data Processing in Hadoop MapReduce

1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, dealing with datasets in the or…

The rise of “big data” on cloud computing
Big Data

The rise of “big data” on cloud computing

1. Introduction The continuous increase in the volume and…


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An NLP Approach to Analyzing Twitter, Trump, and Profanity

Super User Apr 24, 2018 NLP

Who swears more? Do Twitter users who mention Donald Trump swear more than those who mention Hillary Clinton? Let’s find out by taking a natural langu...

Using R to Analyze Food Blogs

Super User Apr 24, 2018 Data Viz

The web is an ocean where data scientists can gather lots of useful and interesting data. However, this vastness usually means that data comes in a ra...

Building a Sortino Ratio Shiny App

Super User Apr 24, 2018 Data Viz

Welcome to the final installment of my three-part series on the Sortino ratio, a metric for measuring the return you are likely to get from a given le...

Dominate the Statistics Portion of Your Data Science Intervi…

Super User Apr 24, 2018 Statistics

For someone working or trying to work in data science, statistics is probably the biggest and most intimidating area of knowledge you need to develop ...

Supervised vs. Unsupervised Machine Learning

Super User Apr 24, 2018 ML Unsupervised

Data scientists use many different kinds of machine learning algorithms to discover patterns in big data that lead to actionable insights

How does unsupervised machine learning work?

Super User Apr 24, 2018 ML Unsupervised

machine learning is something like a process of probability, where a machine build up experience from previous results of the same process and then re...

Ensuring big data doesn’t mean big confusion in the asset sw…

Super User Apr 24, 2018 Big Data

The fact is, most companies just don’t know what to do with the majority of the data they’re collecting. So it just sits there.

Digital Barrels: The Rise Of Machine Learning In Oil And Gas

Super User Apr 24, 2018 ML Supervised

How automisation, machine learning and artificial intelligence could save the oil industry from itself

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